TaRDIS project was one of the research projects presented to the Portuguese government delegation (Elvira Fortunato, Minister of Science, Technology and Higher Education, Isabel Ferreira, Secretary of State for Regional Development, Mário Campolargo, Secretary of State for Digitalization and Administrative Modernization, Catarina Sarmento e Castro, Minister of Justice, and Cláudio Vilar Furtado, President of the National Institute of Industrial Property) that has visited NOVA School of Science and Technology on the 29th of March 2023 under the Portuguese government initiative “Governo+Próximo”.
- News on the NOVA School of Science and Technology website (link here)
- News on the LinkedIn page of NOVA School of Science and Technology (link here)
- News on the LinkedIn profile of Secretary of State for Digitalisation and Administrative Modernisation – Government of Portugal, Mario Campolargo (link here)