TaRDIS, with several members of The EUCloudEdgeIoT community like INCODE, OASEES, OpenSwarm and SMARTEDGE, met on September 5th in Bruxelles for a workshop organised by the European Commission to discuss results of the Swarm Intelligence cluster.
The workshop took stock of the progress of the swarms technologies and discussed the horizontal aspects of the cluster and related strategic visions and work of other clusters.
The workshop brought together research project representatives, experts and stakeholders to discuss the results of the ongoing synergistic efforts in the EUCloudEdgeIoT initiative (EUCEI) and delineate future directions of the computing continuum as well as priority actions for the actors involved.
Participants of the workshop included the Coordination and Support Actions (CSAs) UNLOCK-CEI, Nexusforum, HiPEAC, and Discover US, European Commission representatives, coordinators of all five swarms projects, representatives of the MetaOS and other related projects and project review experts.
The agenda of the event is available, together with the presented set of slides, on the EUCloudEdgeIoT.eu website.